Overheard in Jerusalem

1:45 AM


The scene: a young Jewish couple sits in a coffee shop, and it appears they're on a date.  (She's not covering her hair and her ring finger is bare, indicators that they're not married.) There are long pauses in the conversation that seem awkward to me, but neither of them seem bothered by it.  A cultural difference perhaps?  He looks down at the table for a moment...

The girl: (*small gasp* and then, not quietly) "You're balding!"
The boy: "No I'm not."
The girl: "Yes!  You are, you have a spot right on top of your head where your hair is thin enough for me to see the white of your head."
The boy: "Maybe. I don't care. I guess I need a bigger kippah."
Me, wondering: is this typical first date conversation?!?

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